What is LeaderWorks?
A Personal Statement from David
I strive to be a servant-hearted man called to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have been preaching and teaching for over 35 years with a focus on being an encouraging mentor, a friend to leaders, an effective visionary thinker and planner, and pastor to the people of God.
I have extensive experience in congregational leadership, church planting, staff development, and strategic planning. I have led churches of various sizes through major transitions into new facilities or to move from declining populations to growing ones.
I am a passionate, articulate, and creative leader with a genuine concern for people. I developed a staff of 40+ to fulfill the mission of a local congregation, taken on large national start-up assignments for my diocese and national office, directed capital and stewardship campaigns for over 30 years, and have raised well over $100 million dollars for programs, ministries, buildings and mission of the church.
I also have decades of effective presentation and teaching experience in large groups. My goal is always to take a difficult and complex subject matter and make it memorable, applicable, and clear for others so that they are able to apply what they learn immediately.
Where Did LeaderWorks Come From?
In 1985, the Lord called my wife Fran and me to plant a church. There was no core group. No remnant. No one asking for a new church in this bedroom community outside of Dallas. But at the age of 30, we answered the call to plant a congregation.
Christ Church became a large Anglican family of faith in the North Dallas corridor that continues to serve its surrounding cities and communities. This biblically-based congregation is deeply rooted in the historic faith of the ancient church. Christ Church became the most amazing place I could have imagined. Over my 31 years there, I saw God perform miracles at all levels in the congregation. I won’t forget a moment of it.
However, in 2016, after a series of unmistakable promptings by the Lord, I knew that it was time to step back from my role as Rector and begin a movement/ministry to help teach and support churches and church leaders. I stepped down from my role as Rector to launch this nonprofit ministry called LeaderWorks.
LeaderWorks is supported by generous donors who care about the ministry of the church and believe in our mission to help leaders do their work. And LeaderWorks is working! We are helping the congregations of the Anglican Church in North America to thrive and grow. Join our newsletter to stay on top of things.
I am beyond thankful to be able to do this work and provide this ministry to so many. I’d welcome an opportunity to share more about the work we do and how we might be able to serve you.
Every day I pray this prayer of the Apostle Paul for each leader I work with. Perhaps I can include your name too! “That our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power.” (2 Thess 1:11)
Contact me.
4545 Charlemagne Dr.,
Plano, TX 75093